老版·新葡萄(8883·AM认证)官方网站-Macau Future Star


1、静置货架⽤于电池静置、⽼化,满⾜静置⼯艺段的产能要求,提供⾜够储存库位。 2、货架为组合式结构,满载时货架有⾜够的刚度和稳定性,表⾯采⽤热固性环氧树脂(粉状) 静电喷涂。 3、天轨吊梁通过螺栓固定于⽴柱顶端,同时增加货架整体稳定性。 4、⽔平交叉装置同垂直拉杆装置⼀起组成了⼀个牢固稳定的塔状钢结构。 5、背交叉由垂直斜拉杆、平拉杆及连接件组成,⽤以调整货架垂直⽅向的精度,同时增加货架 整体稳定

1、静置货架⽤于电池静置、⽼化,满⾜静置⼯艺段的产能要求,提供⾜够储存库位。 2、货架为组合式结构,满载时货架有⾜够的刚度和稳定性,表⾯采⽤热固性环氧树脂(粉状) 静电喷涂。 3、天轨吊梁通过螺栓固定于⽴柱顶端,同时增加货架整体稳定性。 4、⽔平交叉装置同垂直拉杆装置⼀起组成了⼀个牢固稳定的塔状钢结构。 5、背交叉由垂直斜拉杆、平拉杆及连接件组成,⽤以调整货架垂直⽅向的精度,同时增加货架 整体稳定性。 6、货架通过可调地脚螺母调节货架⽔平度,采⽤强度⼤于8.8级的螺栓安装和固定货架。 7、天轨轨道采⽤压板螺丝锁接与天轨吊梁⽅式。 8、地轨采⽤铝型材轨道作为地轨(配聚氨酯⾏⾛轮),同时采⽤垫⽚调节式结构形式。 9、每个仓位5⾯防⽕隔板,上下⽤硅酸岩板;每个仓位配DTS温感,1个烟感;每个仓位配1个喷 淋头,以及供⽔管和排⽔管或者导⽔槽;每个仓位,配1个集⽔槽或者每⼏个仓位配置;每个⽴ 库配套消防⽔箱:化成后⾼温24h库配置两套,分容库2个巷道每个巷道配置1套,常温6h库配置 1套,⾼温7天库3个巷道每个巷道配置2套。 10、电芯库每个货位内都有环境温度检测器,对电池周边的温度进⾏监控。当检测到温度异常 时,检测器报警。 11、电芯库每个货位内都有烟雾报警器,监控货位内的烟雾状态,当检测到烟雾时,将信息反 馈⾄调度系统,由喷淋系统处理。烟雾报警器⾃带⾃检功能,可以区分线路故障和烟雾 不同信号。

1. The standing rack is used for battery standing and aging, meeting the capacity requirements of the standing process  section, and providing enough storage locations. 2. The shelf is a combined structure, which has enough rigidity and stability when fully loaded. The surface is sprayed  with thermosetting epoxy (powder) electrostatic coating. 3. The overhead rail lifting beam is fixed on the top of the column by bolts, and the overall stability of the shelf is  increased. 4. The horizontal crossing device and the vertical tie rod device together form a firm and stable tower shaped steel  structure. 5. The back cross is composed of vertical diagonal pull rod, horizontal pull rod and connectors to adjust the accuracy of  the vertical direction of the shelf and increase the overall stability of the shelf. 6. The levelness of the shelf is adjusted by the adjustable anchor nut, and the shelf is installed and fixed by bolts with  strength greater than 8.8. 7. The way of pressing plate screw locking and sky rail lifting beam is adopted for the sky rail track. 8. The ground rail adopts aluminum profile rail as the ground rail (equipped with polyurethane traveling wheel), and  adopts the shim adjustable structure. 9. Each bin has five fire barriers, and siliceous rock slabs are used for upper and lower positions; Each bin is equipped  with DTS temperature sensor and 1 smoke sensor; Each bin is equipped with a spray head, water supply pipe, drainage  pipe or water guide channel; Each bin is equipped with one catch basin or several bins; Each vertical warehouse is  equipped with fire water tank: after formation, the high-temperature 24h warehouse is equipped with two sets, the sub  capacity warehouse is equipped with two sets of lanes, each lane is equipped with one set, the normal temperature 6h  warehouse is equipped with one set, and the high-temperature 7-day warehouse is equipped with three sets of lanes, each  lane is equipped with two sets. 10. There are ambient temperature detectors in each storage space of the battery cell library to monitor the temperature  around the battery. When abnormal temperature is detected, the detector will give an alarm. 11. There is a smoke alarm in each storage space of the battery cell library to monitor the smoke status in the storage  space. When smoke is detected, the information will be fed back to the dispatching system for processing by the spraying  system. The smoke alarm has self checking function, which can distinguish different sig

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