由⽴柱⽚、横梁及其他附件组成。单元货 架每层载荷可达5吨,货物⾄于托盘之上,由 叉车进⾏存取作业,存放⽅便灵活,可配置前 移式电瓶叉车、普通叉车及堆⾼机等搬运存取 设备;横梁上也可铺设钢层板、⽊板、⽹⽚层 板等;此种货架系统是⽬前流⾏、经济的⼀种 货架形式且⼗分安全⽅便,可充分地利⽤空间 。其可调节⾼度达11⽶。⼴泛应⽤于制造业、 第三⽅物流业、配送中⼼、仓储式超市等各领 域,此类货架在⾼位仓库中应⽤多,⾃动化仓 库中货架也⼤多采⽤此类货架。
It is composed of column piece, beam and other accessories. The load of each layer of the unit shelf can be up to 5 tons. As for the goods on the pallet, the forklift can be used to access them. The storage is convenient and flexible. Forward moving battery forklift, ordinary forklift, stacker and other handling and access equipment can be configured; The beam can also be paved with steel laminates, wood boards, mesh laminates, etc; This kind of shelf system is a popular and economical form of shelf, which is very safe and convenient, and can make full use of space. Its adjustable height is up to 11m. It is widely used in manufacturing, third-party logistics, distribution centers, warehousing supermarkets and other fields. Such shelves are widely used in high-ranking warehouses, and most of the shelves in automated warehouses are also such shelves.